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The Spellbinding Duo Returns

Practical Magic's Sisters Are Back: Sequel in the Works

The Spellbinding Duo Returns

Get ready for some magical moments as Warner Bros. has announced a sequel to the beloved 1998 classic, Practical Magic. Sandra Bullock and Nicole Kidman are in advanced talks to reprise their roles as the Owens sisters, Sally and Gillian.

A Long-Awaited Reunion

Nearly 30 years have passed since Practical Magic first graced the silver screen, capturing the hearts of audiences and critics alike. The film has since become a cult classic, gaining a devoted following over the years.

A Glimpse of the Future

The news of the sequel was shared on a Warner Bros. TikTok account, featuring scenes from the original film. The video teased a glimpse into the future of the Owens sisters, hinting at a new chapter in their enchanting journey.

A Magical Collaboration

The sequel will be directed by Anne Fletcher, known for her work on films such as The Proposal and 27 Dresses. Jessica Jones and Twilight writer Melissa Rosenberg will pen the screenplay.

Stay Tuned for More Magic

As the project progresses, fans can expect more details about the plot, casting, and release date. Keep your eyes peeled for updates on this enchanting sequel!
